Monday, November 26, 2007

4x7: what matters most to you?

It's a grey day. I am far from home. I seem to be unable to locate any chocolate.

I know, it has all the makings of a catastrophe. But never fear: I'm not in any way sad. I'm just thinking.

What am I thinking about? Here's my sharesies:

  1. Danny Wallace and the year of Yes. Have you heard about what he got up to? I'd sure like to do something like that. But, you know, personalized like.
  2. I'm putting some meat on the bones of this refined dream of mine called, "being a coach". It's awesome. And kind of weird at the same time. Kind of like elk salami. (Yes, I do mean salami made of elk. I think it's awesome and kind of weird. Can't help it.)
  3. Does everyone always look for signs when they really want to get up to something big? I do. I wonder what would happen if I just stopped looking for a minute and secretly slid, stealthily sluiced, or even slapdashedly splashed into the big stuff.
  4. Who else is out there doing stuff, and what is the stuff that matters most to them? I bet I could learn from them. Heck, we probably all could.

That's some of the stuff that's on my mind today. It's stuff that matters most to me right now. It doesn't always have to be big. Since right now is pretty darn critical, it seems to me it'd be an interesting experiment to see what all everyone has going on in this moment. So, what's your stuff that matters most?

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