Friday, November 30, 2007

unexpected delight

I always felt that one of my life's intentions was "to be a creator of community". But, honestly, it flummoxed me. It felt like a HUGE dream. It was kind of cheesy sounding. Sometimes I wasn't even sure I knew what it meant. And if you look up "loner" in the dictionary... well, you actually won't even see my picture, because I was too busy doing my own thing to even show up for photo day!

Over the last few months, I've been working with my coach to take a look at this life intention, and at what gets in my way. One thing that process helped me to articulate was that I really wanted to start by offering an open space, a place where people could show up and just BE.

This is my first attempt at such a place. Last night, I shared it with an amazing group of people, and I cannot even begin to tell you the delight I felt at receiving email support, and seeing that folks had come by and even contributed to the polls.

Thank you, my wonderful team. You make it fun to try stuff. For me, embracing that playfulness, that feeling that it's worth it to take a risk, to try and just see what happens because it might be cool... that is some serious "sand the deck... paint the fence".

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