Here's just a fun and quirky list: it's some stuff that matters that probably wouldn't have gotten done without taking the time to think about and commit to doing it.
And you know, having cool coaches to support me along the way sure made the difference!
These aren't in any particular order, and what's really fun is: this isn't even close to the whole list of stuff I've managed to accomplish. It's seriously been amazing to me how much stuff I can actually get done by focusing on it more!
- Assess & organize holiday decorations so I'll be ready to go for the 'season'
- Take time to get caught up on email after returning from vacation
- Prep for the meeting I didn't have time to prep for yet
- Complete & submit application for school
- Contact Sri Lankan volunteer agency
- Enlist support from my workgroup for my attending school
- Take a look at why it can feel so hard to ask for and accept support
- Complete time off request for the time I took off to go to California
- Go to office depot for supplies for home office & new project launch
- Go to Kinko's and get my treasure map laminated: only $10!!!
- Attend learning session on how to give and receive feedback
- Schedule additional meetings to solicit feedback from team members: how am I doing, what's getting in the way of us working together?
- Send an enrollment email to my new team recruits at work
- Track how I'm *really* spending my time for 30 days using detailed daily agendas
- Register for ELE course
- Learn more about "spaciousness"
- Clean the house
- Research tuition reimbursement policies
- Create status update for work and test with manager
- Draft feedback for team member; prep for session
- Get ready for Hawaii trip: packing, laundry, drop dogs off
- Look at how I can enlist more support to help me develop my offerings at work
- Finish those follow-up phone calls! They're overdue.
- Take the afternoon off to just relax and "do nothing"
- Schedule focus groups
- Order books from
- Call Lam
- Set up my new home network as part of organizing my home office
- Call Sprint... what the heck is up with these cell phone bills?
- Drink tea instead of coffee for two weeks
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